Asthma Special Report- By: Clementine Robertson

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Asthma is a lung disorder characterised by chronic inflammation of the lung airways. This inflammation or irritation causes increased mucous production and airway hyper-sensitivity resulting in a reduced ability to flow into air flow. Wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath are the symptoms related to asthma. Asthma is multifactorial and includes genetic, allergic, environmental, infectious, emotional, and nutritional components. Cigarette smoking, fossil fuels, wood burning stoves, gas appliances and off-gassing from paints, adhesives, furniture and building materials will all exacerbate asthma. Approximately 17.3 million individuals suffer from asthma within the and one hundred fifty million individuals worldwide. In line with the National Health Interview Survey the speed of asthma in youngsters is increasing by five % every year. Asthma negatively effects quality of life, work, school and in severe cases death is the result. Approximately 5,000 folks die each year from asthma.
The increasing rates of asthma are possibly because of new home construction of airtight homes that began within the 1970s. These new homes have less air circulation, central heating, chemical-laden synthetic building materials and wall-to-wall carpet. This is a perfect environment for the expansion of microorganisms that may irritate the lungs. Industrialization and therefore the burning of fossil fuels also are responsible thanks to the irritating toxic compounds that are released into the air and then breathed on a daily basis. Our diets have conjointly evolved far from omega-3 fatty acids which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
We recognize that the fundamental underlying explanation for asthma is inflammation of the lungs so how do we tend to reduce the inflammation through diet, nutritional supplements and changes in our living environment? A Swedish study found that the more mud mites present in a home the greater risk of asthma symptoms! Mud mite feces is the major culprit in lung irritation in addition to cockroach feces and dog and cat dander. The subsequent steps should be taken to handle these irritating factors:
? Wash bedding in dire straits
? Eliminate carpet where doable
? Encase mattresses and pillows in occlusive covers
? Use a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in all air systems
? Use a vacuum cleaner with an on-board HEPA filter
? Laundry your dog twice a week can reduce airborne allergens by 84%!
One study found that when patients eliminated foods they were allergic to there was a seventy nine% improvement in their symptoms. Food allergies play a major role in asthma and ought to be evaluated in everyone with asthma. Foods will trigger allergic responses and increase the inflammatory cascade within the already irritated lung tissues. Gut symptoms occur more frequently in youngsters with asthma as the lining of the gut has similarities to the lining of the lungs. A healthy gut lining is important as a result of it protects us from unwanted organisms coming into our blood stream.
Fungi and yeast have additionally been shown to be contributing factors in asthma. Cultures of lung secretions from asthma patients were analyzed and also the dominant yeast was Candida! Candida may be a highly allergenic yeast and will conjointly cause skin problems like dermatitis. Antifungal agents should invariably be considered when treating asthma.
Viruses have also been linked to the onset of asthma. One study found that seventy eight% of asthmatic youngsters had an endemic detected from a nasal swab sample. Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease has also been showing to be a contributing factor in asthma. 75% of asthmatics suffer from heartburn! Excess abdomen acid irritates the esophagus and causes a reflex to the lungs and also the air passages constrict.
So what nutritional approaches will you're taking to cut back and sometimes even eliminate the symptoms of asthma? When the lung lining was tested in asthmatics they found considerably decreased levels of vitamin C and E although their blood levels were normal. When children with asthma were given 50 mg twice a day of vitamin B6 their symptoms were greatly reduced and less use of bronchodilators and steroid medications was reported. Studies on magnesium have shown that asthmatics have inadequate levels of this vital mineral and when study subjects were given 400 mg each day of magnesium considerably fewer symptoms were reported. Zinc levels in the blood were additionally tested in asthmatics and were found to be insufficient. When subjects got 100mcg of the mineral selenium, improvement in asthmatics symptoms were seen. Since asthma is an inflammatory condition sufficient quantity of omega-3 fatty acids are needed as these fats considerably reduce inflammation. Cold-water fish or supplementation with fish oil can provide these essential fats and have been shown in several studies to alleviate asthmatics symptoms.
In addition to vitamins and minerals, the subsequent herbs are shown to be useful with asthma:
? Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice root)
? Tylophora asthmatica
? Boswellia serrata (frankincense)
? Petasites hybridus (butterbur)
? Horehound, Mullein leaf, anise seed, thyme, lobelia
? Green tea
? Ginkgo biloba
? Aloe vera
Quercitin is a powerful flavonoid found in fruits and vegetables. Quercitin helps reduce inflammation and also has anti-cancer properties. I suggest taking a vitamin C product that additionally contains Quercitin.
Acupuncture and chiropractic changes are promising treatment methods for asthma as well. Chiropractic adjustments facilitate the ability of the spine and rib cage to move a lot of freely with each breath and can give some relief for asthmatics.
I frequently see patients with asthma and have had excellent results with the vitamins, minerals and herbs mentioned above. Because of the importance of food allergies and their link to asthma it is highly suggested that every one patients have a blood take a look at to determine what foods could be creating their asthma worse. With correct nutrition including the elimination of known food allergens, supplementation and a clean home surroundings, my patients breathe much better and have important improvements in their asthma symptoms.

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Author Resource : Doris Simmons has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Asthma, you can also check out latest website about

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